{% if duree is not defined or duree is null %}
{% set duree = 7 %}
{% endif %}
{% set montant = 0 %}
{% set montantnuit = reponse.PrixNuitee %}
{% set mention = "" %}
{% set tauxpromo = "" %}
{% set montantbarre = 0 %}
{% set travellers = app.session.get('travellers') %}
{% if datesel is not defined or datesel == null %}
{% set montant = duree*reponse.PrixNuitee %}
{% set mention = "lasemaine" %}
{% if ispromo is defined and ispromo == true %}
{% set montant = duree*reponse.PrixNuitee %}
{% set montantbarre = duree*reponse.PrixNuiteeBrut %}
{% set tauxpromo = reponse.MontantTauxPromo %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set montant = reponse.PrixBrut %}
{% if ispromo is defined and ispromo == true %}
{% set montant = reponse.PrixTotal %}
{% set montantbarre = reponse.PrixBrut %}
{% set tauxpromo = reponse.MontantTauxPromo %}
{% endif %}
{% set mention = "lesejour" %}
{% endif %}
{% if montant > 0 %}
{% if detailres is defined and detailres.suffixetarif is not empty %}
{% set mention = detailres.suffixetarif %}
{% endif %}
{% if ispromo is defined and ispromo == true %}
<div class="pourcentage-reduc bleu txt-blanc">{{ 'promotion' |trans({}, 'global') |capitalize }}
<b>-{{ tauxpromo|round }}% </b>
<div class="prix-mention">{{ 'a_partir_de' |trans({}, 'global') |capitalize }}</div>
{% if duree == 7 and detailres is defined and detailres.prefixetarif is not empty %}
{% set mentionprefix = detailres.prefixetarif %}
<div class="prix-mention">{{ mentionprefix |trans({}, 'global') }}</div>
{% endif %}
<span class="prix-barre">{{ montantbarre |round }}€</span>
{% else %}
<div class="prix-mention">{{ 'a_partir_de' |trans({}, 'global') |capitalize }}</div>
{% if duree == 7 and detailres is defined and detailres.prefixetarif is not empty %}
{% set mentionprefix = detailres.prefixetarif %}
<div class="prix-mention">{{ mentionprefix |trans({}, 'global') }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<span class="{{ cssprix }}">
<span class="link tooltip-link {{ cssprix }}" {% if travellers['actnbnuits'] is defined and travellers['actnbnuits'] is not null and travellers['actnbnuits'] <= nbnuithotelier %}data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{ montantnuit }}€ la nuit x {{ travellers['actnbnuits'] }} nuits" data-template="true"{% endif %}>{{ montant |round }}€</span>
{% if duree == 7 %}
<div class="prix-mention">{{ mention |trans({}, 'global') }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}